
Ford & Doonan and Ayla Inc. Christmas Charity Appeal 2018

…a time for celebrations with families and friends, parties, eating, drinking and being merry. Spreading Christmas cheer to those around us and spending time with loved ones.

Christmas isn’t equal for all however. Christmas can be a lonely time for some families, those that are less fortunate or no longer have a family to celebrate with.

In 2018, Ford & Doonan teamed up with Ayla Inc. (an amazing charity and if you haven’t checked them out already, please do https://www.aylainc.org.au/ ) to help provide a wonderful Christmas to those who would not normally experience this joy.

Ayla Inc. Emergency Relief provides individuals and families in need with basic essentials.

At all our Ford & Doonan stores, there were bins for which staff and the public could donate non-perishable food and basic essential items. All of which made their way to Ayla Inc.

Just last year, Ayla was able to provide 150 hampers to those struggling.
