Be comfortable in your home during the hot summer months

Halfway through spring? Summer is right around the corner. Remember those balmy summer nights, melting ice cream, hot seatbelts…ahh all those memories are coming back.
So, how do you stay cool during the summer season? With a Ford & Doonan a/c of course! However, did you know there’s a few ways you can make your a/c more efficient, helping you to feel cool and comfortable? Let us tell you how…
So it’s 36⁰ outside, you’re inside melting. You flick on you’re a/c, set it to 18⁰, wait a few minutes…
Ever wondered why the house doesn’t seem to be getting cooler? That’s because you’ve set the temperature at an unrealistic level. The hotter the temperature outside, the more you’re a/c is going to struggle if it’s set to such a low temperature. During summer, you’re ideal temperature setting is 22⁰. This allows the unit to function without pressure, whilst maintaining a cool and comfortable temperature indoors!
Everyone wants to be cool right? The family is all in different rooms doing their own thing, but their rooms just aren’t getting cool enough…how about a family movie night in the main room?
To make your a/c more efficient (and more cost effective), try turning off unused or unnecessary zones. This will direct the air to the opened zones, focusing more cool air where it’s needed the most. This will enable the room to be cooled to the ideal temperature you set, as well as making it more cost efficient, as there’s less airflow going to rooms not needed. Just remember, to not set the temperature to an unrealistic degree!
Whilst you’re at it, might as well shut those doors and windows to rooms not being used and draw any curtains closed. This will stop airflow from escaping into those rooms, and cooling nothing.
Using your timer
The timer function on your a/c control panel is a great tool to help keep cool, as well as increasing efficiency. Waking up uncomfortably warm in the morning? Before you go to bed, set your a/c timer to come on 30 minutes before you’re due to wake up. You’ll wake up feeling cool and refreshed. If you set the temperature a little higher, at say 23⁰, then slowly lower it as you go about your morning, will increase efficiency, as the a/c isn’t made to work as hard.
Had a long day at work? Your car is boiling hot and you can barely touch the steering wheel? You’ll bet the house won’t be too much better when you arrive home. Before you leave for the day, set your a/c timer to come on 30 minutes before your due to arrive home from work. You’ll walk into a lovely cool home. Good idea hey?!
Just a few tips to #StayCoolThisSummer with Ford & Doonan Air Conditioning!